Pressing into HIS PRESENCE for freedom and revival!

Jacqueline A. Strothoff
Jacqui spent 12 years as a drug addict until 1974, when she had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. After graduating from a Christian residential drug program in 1975, Jacqui went on to attend Twin Oaks Leadership Academy, a two-year ministry school in Lindale, Texas, founded by the late Rev. David Wilkerson. She earned her degree in Social Work from Southwest Missouri State University and is an ordained minister. Jacqui is the founder of the Teen Challenge Rhode Island Women’s Home where she served as director for 15 years, and has worked with and for Outreach Ministries/Teen Challenge for a total of 20 years.She is also the founder and director of In His Presence Ministries. She has spoken nationally and internationally at retreats, churches, seminars, and conferences. Her passion is to inspire intimacy with Christ within the hearts of believers and see the church of Jesus Christ awakened and revived before His return. Jacqui comes with many years of the experiences of chasing God’s Presence in the valley and on the mountain top. When Jesus Christ set her free, she never looked back. Her pursuit of God and His Holiness will inspire you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus
In His Presence Ministries
PO Box 41315
Providence, RI 02904
Tel: 401.497.0982​